
The One With More Captivate 2011 Trailers

Dead Rising 2: Off the Record

Cool to see Frank again :)

Dragon's Dogma

I like the the camera angles in the gameplay, give the feel like you're right there.

Asura's Wrath

Looks kinda cool. Visually interesting. Hopefully, not too "heavy" in the narrative department.

All of these trailers show promise for what's coming up with Capcom this year and I haven't even included the Resident Evil stuff for 3DS and the current gen home consoles. I'll just let you drool over this promo art for the upcoming Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City...

Umbrella Ninja?

...cuz that's how I roll

1 comment:

  1. After that trailer, I feel like I need more arms. Suddenly two just aren't enough. ;P


How do you roll?

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