Yeah, she's into comic books too...
C/O: JimmyKimmelLive
I'm convinced Megan Fox is a total nerd. Or she's like a robot created and programmed by nerds (I find this theory way more plausible). I vote that she star in a Weird Science remake...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One For The King Of Pop

The impression Michael Jackson left in the music industry is undeniable.
I Want You Back
Billie Jean and the 1st Moonwalk Live
Smooth Criminal
You Rock My World
Some influences....
JabbaWockeeZ interpretation
Sungha Jung
I know that most people will remember Michael for music videos like Thriller and Moonwalker, but this is the video that comes to my mind...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One About Captain America Reborn

Marvel announced on Monday that the original Captain America, Steve Rogers is coming back.

More info on the Star Spangled Sentinel can be found here and an interview with current Captain America scribe Ed Brubaker can be found here.
Is the Marvel Universe, and for that matter the Marvel Community, ready for Steve Roger's return? I submit that if Brubaker had the balls to kill him off in the 1st place and succeed with the readers, then I bet he's got the skills to bring Cap back right...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One Where The Truth Is Revealed
Megan Fox, is not real... Who knew?
C/O: TheLandline
The advances in CG are just staggering. I am SO hitting the theaters when this movie comes out...
...cuz that's how I roll
C/O: TheLandline
The advances in CG are just staggering. I am SO hitting the theaters when this movie comes out...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The "Pose" Video
Ok ok, I know this song is like from a year ago, but the women in it are hot. So I'm featuring it. Plus you might recognize a cameo from a certain popular dance crew.
I don't even speak Spanish, but I still like this track...
...cuz that's how I roll.
I don't even speak Spanish, but I still like this track...
...cuz that's how I roll.
The One About Gina Carano's Next Fight
It looks like the women's MMA match people have been wanting to see is going to happen, and it's happening August 15 At the HP Pavilion in San Jose, California. That's right, Gina "Conviction" Carano is going up against Cristiane "Cyborg" Santos.
The winner of the match with be crown The Strikeforce Women's Champ. The fight has been scheduled for 5 round and it was recently revealed that the matches will be for the full 5 minutes, as opposed to previous women's matches that were traditionally 3 minutes.

A member of Xtreme Couture, Gina's recent popularity has brought her to the forefront as the face of women's MMA. She played Crush on the short-lived NBC revival of American Gladiators, and recently made #16 on Maxim's Hot 100 list this year. She's even been featured in Pontiac's promotion of their G8.

It's no secret, Ms. Carano has come under fire by her peers for only being a high profile personality because of her looks, a stigma Gina says she's trying to shake. I'd submit that while her current exposure proves she is definitely a marketing powerhouse, it's her 7-0 record that's earned her this title bout.
But enthusiasts of the sport say "Cyborg" is the woman to beat. A member of Chute Boxe Academy, Cristiane has proven to be a force with a 7-1 record, 5 of those by TKO. On paper, Santos looks to be the favorite.
There's a lot to prove in this title match. But who's got more to prove? Carano, who despite having a perfect record, is still trying to prove she's a real competitor? Or is it Santos, who is touted as the stronger fighter and has the chance at renown all her own?
I've been a fan of Gina for some time now and I'll be rooting for her victory come August 15th...
...cuz that's how I roll
C/O: mmacanadatv
The winner of the match with be crown The Strikeforce Women's Champ. The fight has been scheduled for 5 round and it was recently revealed that the matches will be for the full 5 minutes, as opposed to previous women's matches that were traditionally 3 minutes.

A member of Xtreme Couture, Gina's recent popularity has brought her to the forefront as the face of women's MMA. She played Crush on the short-lived NBC revival of American Gladiators, and recently made #16 on Maxim's Hot 100 list this year. She's even been featured in Pontiac's promotion of their G8.

It's no secret, Ms. Carano has come under fire by her peers for only being a high profile personality because of her looks, a stigma Gina says she's trying to shake. I'd submit that while her current exposure proves she is definitely a marketing powerhouse, it's her 7-0 record that's earned her this title bout.
But enthusiasts of the sport say "Cyborg" is the woman to beat. A member of Chute Boxe Academy, Cristiane has proven to be a force with a 7-1 record, 5 of those by TKO. On paper, Santos looks to be the favorite.
There's a lot to prove in this title match. But who's got more to prove? Carano, who despite having a perfect record, is still trying to prove she's a real competitor? Or is it Santos, who is touted as the stronger fighter and has the chance at renown all her own?
I've been a fan of Gina for some time now and I'll be rooting for her victory come August 15th...
...cuz that's how I roll
C/O: mmacanadatv
The One About The Black Eyed Peas (NSFW)

The Black Eyed Peas are back with their new album The E.N.D. (The Energy Never Dies). My quick review of the disc is that it's different than what you'd expect from them, but I'd submit that's not really a bad thing. There's some experimentation going on leaning toward a kind of high energy/synth vibe at a low BPM, but still keeping in their unique style for the most part. It is a bit a departure from the last 2 albums.
The airwaves have already been playing one of the tracks off the album, "Boom Boom Pow", and they just released their video for what's prolly their next single, "I Gotta Feeling", which they played live on Letterman recently. Warning: This video is the explicit cut. Guys, be sure to keep your eyes open around the 2 minute mark.
The song is simple, but in my opinion, a nice little anthem for the club goers out there. I'm most definitely adding this record to my playlist...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Beatles: Rock Band Intro
Harmonix, the makers of Rock Band, sported their latest project with this cool intro video to the game.
The game is slated for release on 9/9/09. Personally, I'm perfectly happy with the latest iteration of Rock Band 2 and the weekly DLC updates. Whether or not the market is prepared to go another round of plastic instrument purchases for this game, I'm not really convinced. But I will admit, that trailer does reveal to me that they've done their homework on the Beatles and are focused on bringing a full Beatles experience, and to that I say ROCK ON...
...cuz that's how I roll
The game is slated for release on 9/9/09. Personally, I'm perfectly happy with the latest iteration of Rock Band 2 and the weekly DLC updates. Whether or not the market is prepared to go another round of plastic instrument purchases for this game, I'm not really convinced. But I will admit, that trailer does reveal to me that they've done their homework on the Beatles and are focused on bringing a full Beatles experience, and to that I say ROCK ON...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With That Hot Girl People Like

Recently, they had the Japanese premiere of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen in Tokyo, and the movie's cast were in attendance. At least, that's what I'm told. The only cast member that's caught my eye is the one and only Megan Fox rocking an absolutely smokin' dress. If you're a "leg man", Ms. Fox delivered at the premiere. That girl must be a parking ticket, cuz shawty got FINE written all over her. :-D

I suppose if you're interested in the other people who showed up, you can go here.
Purple has just become my new favorite color...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "Assassin's Creed II" Footage
For those of you clamoring to see some Assassin's Creed II in game, I've got the vid of the E3 demo right here...
...cuz that's how I roll
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "Splinter Cell: Conviction" Footage
Some Splinter Cell: Conviction footage from the E3 demo for the gamers out there...
... cuz that's how I roll
... cuz that's how I roll
The One About "Macross Frontier"

I recently got an update from BBTS today and noticed one of the listings for a VF-25S MESSIAH VALKYRIE. It looked kinda cool and I got a little nostalgic for the Macross series, a series I used to be really into when I was a kid. Macross is an anime series from Japan, that "sorta" crossed over here in the states under the name Robotech. I liked it cuz for me, it was like a Top Gun/Transformers mashup, except all the cool robots were Starscream.
Anywho, I started some digging into the current generation of the Macross series and I found this vid featured on Youtube by MPilotVF1V. This new iteration is called Macross Frontier and as you'll see, they've gotten really good at combining the hand drawn and CG elements.
Why isn't this show out on American broadcasting? The mech action looks crazy... Now, to back up just a second, I do recognize that this series, and other animes like it, have been bogged down, in the past, by the typical heavy-handed melodramatic plotlines. So I know there's some pain in watching these types of shows sometimes (Naruto, I'm looking at you), but once the action ramps up, I'm totally on the edge of my seat in those cases (Naruto, you get my props for that too). Plus I understand localizing animes is a time consuming process.
I'm guessing, if Macross Frontier does well enough in Japan, that Big West, the company who owns the licensing rights will go forward with a North American DVD release. Or, I'd be fine if they produced one of those theatrical versions with re-edited footage from the TV series...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Air Force Whips

In a move to boost recruitment, the USAF has enlisted the experts at Galpin Auto Sports, the same team in all those Pimp My Ride shows, to mod two of the hottest pony cars today.

The 1st of these is a Ford Mustang now dubbed the Air Force X-1.

The 2nd, and my favorite of the two, is a Dodge Challenger, modded and renamed, the Air Force Vapor
Both cars have also gotten interior redesigns as well following in the military motif of their exteriors. So I don't know if these rides are gonna bring people to the recruitment office, but I do recognize that these is some hot whips, kid. More info on the cars and interior shots can be found here.
They're not quite perfect though. If I could mod them myself, I'd add 20 inch spinners, neon green street-glow, and..... since they're backed by Air Force, I'm sure they've got some heavy ordinance lying around in some armory. Let's throw in some bulletproof shielding and a minigun. Wait, I think I've seen something like that before...

...oh yeah...
...and that's how I'd roll
The One With The Old Republic Trailer
Bioware is KILLIN' me with this trailer for their upcoming game Star Wars: The Old Republic. It's so awesome.
Are you serious!? Lucas has got nothing on this, SON! I predict "Game of the Year" when this hit's stores...
...cuz that's how I roll
Are you serious!? Lucas has got nothing on this, SON! I predict "Game of the Year" when this hit's stores...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One About Gemma Atkinson

A picture is worth a 1000 words, but the only one that comes to mind is, "DAAYYYUUUUMMMMM"
By popular demand, I've decided to showcase the darling woman pictured in one my previous posts. Her name is Gemma Atkinson. She's a native of Bury, Greater Manchester, England, and grew to fame as glamour model and soap star. She's 5'9", has green eyes, and according to Wikipedia, "measures" a 34E (nice!). American audiences may recognize Ms. Atkinson in her role as LT. Eva McKenna in the strategy game Red Alert 3.

She released a 2009 calendar which you can purchase here, but I'd caution against it. I mean if I had her staring back at me all year, I would not get much done. Instead, why don't you just watch the videos below.
I'll try and keep you guys updated on the exploits of this striking young lady in the future...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Badass Ubisoft Vids
E3 2009 is upon us and lots of exciting gaming news is now flooding the interwebs. Ubisoft, one of my favorite publishers, has just released two preview vids for the event.
The 1st one is for the much delayed Splinter Cell: Conviction. I've been following this series from the start and I highly recommend it. The story of Sam Fisher is an intriguing one, and this latest chapter looks to turn many of the series' normal conventions on it's ear.
"What happens next is up to you" Great line.
This 2nd vid, another buzzed about sequel, is for Assassin's Creed 2. Although the original didn't quite live up to the initial expectations of the gaming press, I believe this game showed a lot of promise, especially in the series' narrative department. We're all hoping this sequel can correct some of the gripes people had, while still keeping it's "stalk your prey" feel.

As for this trailer, I'm excited to see where this property goes this time around. The badassery of the game's two protagonists alone make them comparable to today's hollywood action roles. Look at the Ezio from Assassin's Creed 2. His character design is off the chain. If you've played the original, you can already imagine how rad this guy is going to look hopping rooftops. I'm most definitely gonna be hittin' the stores on release day when these games come out...
...cuz that's how I roll
The 1st one is for the much delayed Splinter Cell: Conviction. I've been following this series from the start and I highly recommend it. The story of Sam Fisher is an intriguing one, and this latest chapter looks to turn many of the series' normal conventions on it's ear.
"What happens next is up to you" Great line.
This 2nd vid, another buzzed about sequel, is for Assassin's Creed 2. Although the original didn't quite live up to the initial expectations of the gaming press, I believe this game showed a lot of promise, especially in the series' narrative department. We're all hoping this sequel can correct some of the gripes people had, while still keeping it's "stalk your prey" feel.

As for this trailer, I'm excited to see where this property goes this time around. The badassery of the game's two protagonists alone make them comparable to today's hollywood action roles. Look at the Ezio from Assassin's Creed 2. His character design is off the chain. If you've played the original, you can already imagine how rad this guy is going to look hopping rooftops. I'm most definitely gonna be hittin' the stores on release day when these games come out...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One About "The Beast"

This guy is Umehara Daigo aka The Beast. "Why is this unassuming asian guy called that?", you ask. He earned that name by becoming one of the most dominant Street Fighter players/competitors in the world. I've seen this guy live in action and it is inspiring. He makes the best players in competition look like scrubs.
This vid is the championship match where Daigo became the 1st SFIV World Champ, in San Francisco, CA.
Justin Wong, Daigo's challenger in the vid, was crowned the US Champ earlier that night, no slouch by any means, and Daigo made short work of him. All in all though, I give props to both guys, they gave a hell of a show.
In the July issue of the Japanese mag, Arcadia there's a six page interview with Daigo where they ask him about his recent victory. Excerpts can be found here. It's an interesting read for folks like myself who are really into the fighting genre. I think I might read it twice...
...cuz that's how I roll
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