I recently got an update from BBTS today and noticed one of the listings for a VF-25S MESSIAH VALKYRIE. It looked kinda cool and I got a little nostalgic for the Macross series, a series I used to be really into when I was a kid. Macross is an anime series from Japan, that "sorta" crossed over here in the states under the name Robotech. I liked it cuz for me, it was like a Top Gun/Transformers mashup, except all the cool robots were Starscream.
Anywho, I started some digging into the current generation of the Macross series and I found this vid featured on Youtube by MPilotVF1V. This new iteration is called Macross Frontier and as you'll see, they've gotten really good at combining the hand drawn and CG elements.
Why isn't this show out on American broadcasting? The mech action looks crazy... Now, to back up just a second, I do recognize that this series, and other animes like it, have been bogged down, in the past, by the typical heavy-handed melodramatic plotlines. So I know there's some pain in watching these types of shows sometimes (Naruto, I'm looking at you), but once the action ramps up, I'm totally on the edge of my seat in those cases (Naruto, you get my props for that too). Plus I understand localizing animes is a time consuming process.
I'm guessing, if Macross Frontier does well enough in Japan, that Big West, the company who owns the licensing rights will go forward with a North American DVD release. Or, I'd be fine if they produced one of those theatrical versions with re-edited footage from the TV series...
...cuz that's how I roll
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