
The One Where You Go And Save The City

C/O: mediajuice

I'm X-cited about the retro release of the X-Men Arcade Game. It's been slated for release on Xbox Live on December 15th and for PSN sometime in the next 2 months. Six-player online drop-in/drop-out multiplayer sounds like an X-cellent feature. Well, no one uses Dazzler though, so maybe they'll be more like five player games :P. X-pect to hear awesome in game sound bites like "Nothing can stop The Blob!" and Colossus' ubiquitous "RRRRAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" once again. I found these sayings to be quite infectious back then and I that won't change once I start playing this game again...

...cuz that's how I roll

1 comment:

  1. "To me, my X-Men!" Hahaha! I did NOT see this EVER happenin. But I guess after the success of the two TMNT arcade games, I shouldn't be surprised. Now I just need more controllers. =P


How do you roll?

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