
The One With The Assassin's Creed Revelations GamesCom Trailer

The buzz for this game is Ezio will retrace the steps of his ancestor Altair. Personally, I'm glad Altair is receiving a reprise in this chapter. And of course I'll be very curious to find out what's next for Desmond. You'll be seeing me at the shops picking up Assassin's Creed: Revelations on day one for sure...

...cuz that's how I roll


The One With "God Save the Combo ~ Evil Ryu Manifesto"

C/O: lordofultima

Probably one of the most informative, and moreover entertaining, combo demos out on the interwebs currently, this vid has given me a renewed interest in sharpening my chops with Evil Ryu. And I fancy myself much more of a Ryu purist fan, so I give props to lordofultima for turning that around on me...

...cuz that's how I roll


The One With "Moves Like Jagger"


That was a nipple right? :)
Just thought I'd share...

...cuz that's how I roll
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