The One With IGLIDE And Christina Aguilera
Some of the coolest moves I've seen put to digital media in a while. Cool tune too. Haunting. I salute you IGLIDE sir...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Soul Calibur V Trailer With Special Guest
I am SOOO looking forward to the next Soul Calibur game. Ezio Auditore Di Firenze! It's assassinatin' time...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Frisbee vs. Basketball Trick Shots
These guys totally "dude/bro" their celebrations, but I gotta give them a pass for the amazing trick shots. LOL...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Avengers Trailer
It's happening... I really assumed it wasn't going to get to this point, but it IS!!! Obviously this movie isn't going to please everyone, comic book purists and such, but for me this is as exciting as the time I realized Spider-Man was coming to the big screen too. Will they be able to mesh all these big names/personalities/characters into one cohesive movie? I say yes.
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Ninja
Ninja from Olivier Trudeau on Vimeo.
Very nice work, I guess I can say that stop motion isn't quite dead yet...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Steve Jobs' Stanford Commencement Speech
I had always heard the name prior to ever hearing this speech. I knew who he was in the tech industry, but i never really followed that culture. This was really my 1st impression of Steve Jobs, and even with his impact on today's world, this is how I will remember him....
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Forza 4 Trailer
PREACH ON CLARKSON!!! Preach on. It really is a dying breed and I do understand why. But there really is a passion and fire to this stuff, and I'm sad to see it going the way of the Dodo...
...cuz that's how I roll
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Another Assassin's Creed Revelations Trailer
Because every one of these is so frikkin' badass and because I'n such a fan and...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The "Drive"Trailer
Looks to be a decent homage to those old 80's tough guy flicks. Ryan Gosling is and interesting choice. It'll be interesting to see if his acting range includes Clint Eastwood/Charles Bronson badassery. Yeah that's a word now, I'm using that...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Assassin's Creed Revelations GamesCom Trailer
The buzz for this game is Ezio will retrace the steps of his ancestor Altair. Personally, I'm glad Altair is receiving a reprise in this chapter. And of course I'll be very curious to find out what's next for Desmond. You'll be seeing me at the shops picking up Assassin's Creed: Revelations on day one for sure...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "God Save the Combo ~ Evil Ryu Manifesto"
C/O: lordofultima
Probably one of the most informative, and moreover entertaining, combo demos out on the interwebs currently, this vid has given me a renewed interest in sharpening my chops with Evil Ryu. And I fancy myself much more of a Ryu purist fan, so I give props to lordofultima for turning that around on me...
...cuz that's how I roll
Probably one of the most informative, and moreover entertaining, combo demos out on the interwebs currently, this vid has given me a renewed interest in sharpening my chops with Evil Ryu. And I fancy myself much more of a Ryu purist fan, so I give props to lordofultima for turning that around on me...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "Moves Like Jagger"
That was a nipple right? :)
Just thought I'd share...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Gina Carano And The "Haywire" Trailer
Okay with the Martin references out of the way I gotta say this movie looks pretty decent. Surely Soderbergh is the reason all these top names are playing roles in this flick, but damn, this is one helluva 1st outing for Ms. Gina Carano. I'm real interested in how this turns out for her. I wish her the best of luck...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Missions Impossible 4 Trailer
I'm a big fan of Mission Impossible 1 and 3, and with Bad Robot being involved once again this go around, I'm expecting a blockbuster hit with 4...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Staring Contest
I wouldn't stand a chance of winning this. How could I resist looking below eye-level? I wouldn't...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Captain America Trailer
This should be the last one until the movie comes out on July 22nd. I'm marking it down on my calendar...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Cars 2 Trailer
Just a friendly reminder that Cars 2 is out today. I think I'll visit Pixar today just to celebrate...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "You Might Think" But Not By Who You'd Think For What I'd Never Thought
I see what they did there... very clever you guys. Haha... Cars...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Reminder That Summer Is Here
...and I'm doing it with Kate Upton... er uh, reminding all that summer is here, haha... um yeah, not that I'm actually doing it with Kate Upton,... not that I'd be complaining if I did cuz,... you know... she's a cutie. I mean I would, but I'm not...
...cuz that's how I roll :P
Also, in case you missed it, the Kate Upton Dougie (^_^)-b
The One With The Stick Balancing
Are you serious? Awesome exhibition all the way to the end. You gotta see this people...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Ninja Gaiden 3 Trailer
It's been a while since this series last hit the scene. It's no longer helmed by the eclectic Tomonobu Itagaki, so I'm quite interested in seeing if they can still capture that same feel with this sequel...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Assassin's Creed Revelations CG Trailer
Another chapter in Ezio Auditore's clandestine exploits hits this year and the buzz surrounding it time around is that Ezio is poised to take his talents to Istanbul,... which was once Constantinople, but we're all heard the song. If the gameplay is similar to what you can see in this video, I can't wait to take down hordes of enemies that try to take our Italian assassin down...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online Trailer
I'm eager to see how this turns out. SFIII is still one of the most exciting competitive fighters today and seeing this game reach the online audience should provide new looks at this play style of game. I am curious how effective "parrying" will be with the inherent lag of online play...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The "Saints Row: The Third" Trailer
I've been been a fan of this series since it's 1st iteration and while others have deemed the Saint's Row series a poor man's GTA, I tend to view it as a kick ass interpretation of a modern day open world game...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Cee Lo Green On Storytellers
I really like hearing Cee Lo Green's tracks sung live so you know I had a great time watching his VH1 Storytellers...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Green With Envy Trailer
Not gonna spoil it, but of course. If a revival was gonna happen, I'd easily put money down that Jason Segel was gonna be behind it...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The LA Noire Tech
For those of you who don't know, Rockstar's and Team Bondi's game, LA Noire, is flippin' cool and the facial tech that they use in the game is spectacular. If you're into games with good voice acting and a strong narrative, you MUST try this game out. It's a definite GotY contender and I can't help but hope that this facial tech get applied to more games in the future. Mass Effect series, I'm look at you...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "Paris"
So I'm joining the party late on Grace Potter and The Nocturnals but I caught them on the radio today and I had to find more. This video is a casual unplugged version of their hit "Paris" that I found to be a cool snapshot of the band. Of course you can listen to the amped up (stripper friendly) version here if you're so inclined...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "One Shot"
So yeah. Cool action scene, but I must admit, it's the promise of Eliza Dushku that had me watching. Though it's short I did find that characters fun...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The "True Legend" Trailer
Wow, this movie looks great and directed by Yuen Woo-ping. High grade martial arts action guaranteed by that guy. It went into limited release on May 13th, so if it's in you're area I'm predicting it's a must see...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Freerunning Academy
So this is the recruiter video for the Tempest Freerunning Academy. This is where they've been training all those assassin's in Assassin's Creed right? I was instantly sold on the Super Mario aesthetic at the beginning...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Impressive Scooter Tricks
These tricks are pretty nuts, and likely disastrous if he had not fully completed some of them. I say nice work bro...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "The Lazy Song"
Hey, I hang out with monkeys in my room on those days where I don't want to do anything too...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Dark Of The Moon Trailer
I found the 2nd Transformers film to be a disappointment. Nothing made sense. My hopes aren't really high for this next movie either (Megan couldn't you have kept your thoughts to yourself on this one), but after seeing this trailer, I have to admit, this movie looks to be a real spectacle...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One About Marvel On Netflix
What's that you say? You wish you had marvel animated properties to watch on demand? Well good news. As of today, Netflix is offering just that.
* The Incredible Hulk (1996-97)
* Spider-Man Unlimited (1999-2001)
* Iron Man: Extremis – Marvel Knights Animation (2010)
* Astonishing X-Men: Gifted – Marvel Knights Animation (2010)
* Spider-Woman: Agent of the S.W.O.R.D. – Marvel Knights Animation (2010)
* Fantastic Four: World's Greatest Heroes (2006)
* Silver Surfer (1998)
* Black Panther – Marvel Knights Animation (2010)
* Iron Man: Armored Adventures Season 1 (2009)
And this summer
* Marvel Action Hour: Iron Man (1994-96)
* The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes! Season 1 (2010)
* X-Men Evolution (2000-3)
* X-Men (1992-7)
* Spider-Man (1994-‘98)
* Spider-Man (1967-‘68)
* Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends (1981)
* Spider-Man (1981-‘82)
with more in the fall.
I'm ready to revisit Silver Surfer myself...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Little Thor
First little Vader and now little Thor. I'm very much ready to watch this movie. FOR ASGARD!!!...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Cody And Keenan
An awesome fusion of MLB's top sensations with one of Youtube's top sensations and it's in the name of good causes dear to both Cody Ross and Keenan Cahill. And Brian Wilson is in the mix too! I'm about it, and it goes on and on and ONNNNNNN!...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Mortal Kombat's Mileena
Yup, they even kast Mileena for some killer video game kosplay. Here goes you're final kouple of reminders that Mortal Kombat it out TODAY. I'm prolly already playing my kopy as you read this...
...kuz that's how I roll
The One With Princess Kitana
Here's a kouple more reminders from Princes Kitana that Mortal Kombat hits konsoles tomorrow...
...kuz that's how I roll
The One With Sonya Blade
Just a kouple of reminders that Mortal Kombat is hitting konsoles on April 19th...
...kuz that's how I roll
The One With More Captivate 2011 Trailers
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record
Cool to see Frank again :)
Dragon's Dogma
I like the the camera angles in the gameplay, give the feel like you're right there.
Asura's Wrath
Looks kinda cool. Visually interesting. Hopefully, not too "heavy" in the narrative department.
All of these trailers show promise for what's coming up with Capcom this year and I haven't even included the Resident Evil stuff for 3DS and the current gen home consoles. I'll just let you drool over this promo art for the upcoming Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City...
Umbrella Ninja?
...cuz that's how I roll
Cool to see Frank again :)
Dragon's Dogma
I like the the camera angles in the gameplay, give the feel like you're right there.
Asura's Wrath
Looks kinda cool. Visually interesting. Hopefully, not too "heavy" in the narrative department.
All of these trailers show promise for what's coming up with Capcom this year and I haven't even included the Resident Evil stuff for 3DS and the current gen home consoles. I'll just let you drool over this promo art for the upcoming Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City...
Umbrella Ninja?
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Street Fighter X Tekken Trailers
Both these trailers KICK ASS!!! I'm particularly excited for the addition of Abel, I think he's a proper addition to the cast of this game as he does strike me as Tekken-like character sometimes.
The gameplay footage looks very much a spiritual successor to the old Rival Schools/Project Justice series with it's tagging system, more so than the obvious association to the Tekken Tag game. I do like the aesthetic coming from this Capcom Production and am looking forward to seeing Namco's approach to their version of this crossover. Street Fighter X Tekken looks to be hitting Xbox, PS3 and PC in 2012 and I can't wait...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The SSFIV Arcade Edition Trailer
Arcade Edition is gonna be RAD! We're looking at 4 new characters, new character balancing, and improved replay channel features.
This full fledged DLC update hits this summer and I'm chomping at the bit for it's arrival...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Mortal Kombat Legacy Trailer
Mortal Kombat: Legacy: Episode 1 arrives today and you can watch it HERE. Don't say I never gave you nuttin'...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One From The Geneva Motor Show 2011
Motorshow Geneva 2011 from Loniek on Vimeo.
Some of the sickest car mods you'll never see on these shores, so I say, enjoy em here...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Best Earbuds For Running
The best earbuds for running huh? I don't know how this commercial proves it, but I suppose it doesn't really matter, LOL...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Real Sound Effects On 8-Bit Games
So cool. It begs the question, which is more important for games, graphics or sound?
I LOL'ed at Pac-Man tho...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Hangover Part 2 Trailer
I was wondering what the premise of this sequel would be since it was announced. The premise okay, but to be honest I find I'm just happy to see The Hangover gang back together again...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Intimidation Face
What if he could do that?... What if he CAN!? I'm glad I don't have to swing against him...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Ip Man 2 Trailer
On DVD and Blu-ray this month, Donnie Yen reprises his role as real-life Kung Fu Grandmaster in Ip Man 2. This is a highly anticipated sequel and I'm excited to see if they'll be able to top the first one. I do see that Sammo Hung is gonna in front of the camera on this one, so I can already tell it's gonna be legit...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The WC2011 Green Lantern Trailer
With WoncerCon now complete I thought I'd share what was probably the highlight of the show, DC and their Green Lantern movie and merchandising presence. The studio screened exclusive footage the panel for the film attended by Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively and were met with great enthusiasm from fans in the audience.
This new trailer was released to the public shortly after the Green Lantern panel and I'm happy to announce, I'm far more optimistic about this movie after attending the several DC panels and visiting the DC booth to really get a look at the production of this film. Still iffy on Ryan Reynolds, but I'm open to the idea of his performance changing my mind...
... cuz that's how I roll
The One With "Just Can't Get Enough"
Filmed shortly before the recent natural disasters, this video is a good reminder of Japan's unique aesthetic. They're still in need of assistance.
Text REDCROSS to 90999 to donate $10 to support the relief efforts.
I'm wishing Japan a swift and strong recovery...'
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Fun "Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da" Cover
C/O: mercymevideo
Great cover that had me dancing in my seat just watching the video build. Great fun for everyone...
...cuz that's how I roll
Great cover that had me dancing in my seat just watching the video build. Great fun for everyone...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With An Essay About Language
C/O: RogersCreations
Language by Stephen Fry. I have come to appreciate a similar viewpoint on language in that it's more a of a living entity that should evolve and adapt to a changing world. I mean, isn't that why they call languages we no longer use "dead languages"? Something to think about I suppose, I know I will...
...cuz that's how I roll
Language by Stephen Fry. I have come to appreciate a similar viewpoint on language in that it's more a of a living entity that should evolve and adapt to a changing world. I mean, isn't that why they call languages we no longer use "dead languages"? Something to think about I suppose, I know I will...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Crazy Spider-Man MvC3 Combos
I'm a big fan of Spider-Man and he's very much a regular in my MvC3 team. GamingArcadia has pumped out this video, along with several others, of mad combos that can be done with Spider-Man. I need to get practicing right now...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With THe WWE All Stars Launch Trailer
This trailer reminds me a lot of the old school arcade coin-op games like Wrestlefest or WWF Wrestlemania, and the ability to make those "what-if/dream" matches is such a big draw for me. I'm down for a few matches...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With MLB 11: The Show
I've been ramping up my excitement for the 2011 MLB season and MLB 11 The Show has filled in those scant free minutes in between spring training games for me. The game looks great, controls well and has plenty of modes to keep one up into the wee hours of the night. Road To The Show mode is fun and seriously addicting, and the presentation overall is fantastic, from the broadcast accurate camera angles to Brian Wilson's animation after successfully closing out a game. I say to any baseball enthusiast, get this game...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "Mama Knows Best"
Jessie J really impresses me. She got a good voice, but even better, she performs with some power and stage presence. I'm on board with this one...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Evil Ryu
Evil Ryu is official now for SSFIV:AE. As far as Ryu goes, I'm more of a purist who really appreciates the character as a man seeking enlightenment and battling his inner demons, but I do have to admit...
Evil Ryu looks frikkin' BAD ASS!!!
That wound on his chest looks pretty brutal tho. I guess that kind of trauma can bring out the worst in anyone.
And I submit, that could be one of the meanest looking ultras since... well the Metsu Shoryuken...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One Where A Samurai Fights His Shadow
Awesome concept and execution. I think it could have used a ninja or two tho. Of course, that's just me...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Black Bearded Santa Claus
YEAH! Opening day is a week away. I've got my gear and I'm ready...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "Just The Way You Are" Feat. Lupe Fiasco
Alternate version of the popular track by Bruno Mars. Catchy song that always reminds me of a certain gal...
...cuz that's how I roll
Happy Birthday KM! Girl you're amazing...
The One With The "Rocketeer" LA Dreamer
A different take on the popular "Rocketeer" song, a cool more mellow version with a splash of the LA lifestyle in the visuals. I say it's worth a look...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Reminder That Spring Is Here
...and that I'm ready for summer. Spending it with Jordan Carver would be a plus too. She is this year's Cobra Seat Girl and pretty jaw dropping, I'd say...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Florence + Drake Mashup
C/O: djmashup2009
Confession time, I was never really into Florence and the Machine. Maybe it's because I saw the video first without really giving the song a chance. But the song has caught on here and it's exposure has slowly warmed me up to it. This mashup with Drake has gotten me over the hump and I am fan of this song. DJ Mashup did a really good job with the video too, to accompany the mashup. Just goes to show, "don't judge a book by the weird imagery in it's music video"...
...cuz that's how I roll
Confession time, I was never really into Florence and the Machine. Maybe it's because I saw the video first without really giving the song a chance. But the song has caught on here and it's exposure has slowly warmed me up to it. This mashup with Drake has gotten me over the hump and I am fan of this song. DJ Mashup did a really good job with the video too, to accompany the mashup. Just goes to show, "don't judge a book by the weird imagery in it's music video"...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Street Fighter Mix
C/O: Immuzikation
...using arcade buttons. So dope! I bet his Street Fighter skills contributed to his button work...
...cuz that's how I roll
...using arcade buttons. So dope! I bet his Street Fighter skills contributed to his button work...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Splinter Cell Fan Series
C/O: ExtinctionSeries
A short film from Companion Pictures based on the video game series Splinter Cell, Extinction is the first in a series that follows and NSA operative as he uncovers a nationwide conspiracy. Splinter Cell is definitely one of my favorite video game series to date. I've got all the games and read all the novels, so I totally eat this kind of stuff and Extinction is a very good case to get this subject matter greenlit for a Hollywood film. I can't wait to see how this series turns out...
...cuz that's how I roll
A short film from Companion Pictures based on the video game series Splinter Cell, Extinction is the first in a series that follows and NSA operative as he uncovers a nationwide conspiracy. Splinter Cell is definitely one of my favorite video game series to date. I've got all the games and read all the novels, so I totally eat this kind of stuff and Extinction is a very good case to get this subject matter greenlit for a Hollywood film. I can't wait to see how this series turns out...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Hawaii River Surfing
I guess there's a river that sometimes gets backed up in Hawaii, and these folks decided to help it reach the ocean so they could surf it. Good times were had obviously. I wish I coulda been...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The TMNT Review... For The NES!?
YES! Finally a proper Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle video game review from a proper Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fan. Props to GameTrailers for getting it right...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Hall Pass Red Band Trailer
Now wasn't that funny? Well the real reason I posted it is really an excuse to post pictures of the the hot Aussie who appears in the film, Nicky Whelan.
So I'm told she's an actress best known for a role on an Australian soap called Neighbors. She plays the Aussie girl with the tight jeans in the trailer.
I say "Shame on you Australia." Shame on you for not featuring this gal in more American media. HAHA! J/K...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Gymkhana And Ken Block
So this is an alternate angles cut of Ken Block tearing around the course like a frikkin maniac. He literally rides it til the wheels fall off. I'm gonna say he's got one of the best jobs ever...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Real Life Angry Birds
This bit on Conan had me cracking up. Team Coco FTW!...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Megan Fox In Her Underwear
Good gosh Megan Fox gives me urges. Thanks to Armani for giving us an excuse to zone out for 90 some odds seconds. Props...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Arcade Goer's POV Video
C/O: GeekinStudio
I like this video. It captures what makes a person who plays fighting games at the arcades different than your regular old run of the mill fighting game player. Online players can play in their pajamas, if they lost no big deal, the other player doesn't know me, he just moves on. But it's another story when you go out into the battlefield of the arcades, look at other players compete, look the other guy in the eye, shake hands for a good game. Much props to the makers of the video for reminding me of that...
...cuz that's how I roll
UPDATE: My prayers go out to Japan today. Text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 today.
I like this video. It captures what makes a person who plays fighting games at the arcades different than your regular old run of the mill fighting game player. Online players can play in their pajamas, if they lost no big deal, the other player doesn't know me, he just moves on. But it's another story when you go out into the battlefield of the arcades, look at other players compete, look the other guy in the eye, shake hands for a good game. Much props to the makers of the video for reminding me of that...
...cuz that's how I roll
UPDATE: My prayers go out to Japan today. Text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 today.
The One With "Memories"
Weezer's Memories if featured in the Jackass 3D movie so this video features some awesome alternate angles from the films scenes. Jackass 3 hits Blu-Ray and DVD this week
The One With Alana Blanchard
What did Alana Blanchard do on her 21st birthday?
She made this awesome video with her friends. Surfer girls awesome! Alana is a pro surfer who gained fame as "the hottest surfer in the world" by Transworld Surf. I ain't arguing. Seeing stuff like this makes me believe in the world again. Thank you Alana and Happy 21st to you...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Da Vinci Disappearance DLC
Single Player Trailer
Multi Player Trailer
New Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood content hits today. Both components are very much welcomed additions. Single player looks to have a meaty focus on everyone's favorite Renaissance period gadget guy, Leonardo Da Vinci, and I'm excited to see more player models for the assassin's in multi player. I'm sorta fond of the Pariah skin. If you haven't checked out the trailers for the 2 free DLC additions already released, you can check them here and here...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Most Typical Human
Interesting to think about for sure. Since that picture they generated is most typical, does that make him a "5" in looks? I wonder...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Hot Wii Game... If You Dare
I'm told this game is real. I guess this is how they play their games in France.
**checks calendar for time off to take vacation in France**...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Drumming Two Year Old
...and he's GOOD!!
Mind blown. I dunno if he's just messing around and it sounds good or if the kid actually is aware of how awesome he is. I have nothing left to say, speechless...
...cuz that's how I roll
Mind blown. I dunno if he's just messing around and it sounds good or if the kid actually is aware of how awesome he is. I have nothing left to say, speechless...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Jimmy K Workout
A great follow up to last year's Handsome Men's Club, Jimmy Kimmel brings the Hottie Body Hump Club. Cameos out the wazoo by some of Hollywood's "it" girls. I can already predict a flood of animated gifs to produced from this bit. Jessica Biel, you're so asking for it...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Final Round of Live Ultras
Ultras, Thousand Pounds style! You know you wanna see em'. Just do it already. I know I did. Metsu Shoryuken FTW!!!...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One Where The Rock Addresses The Big Fat Bowl Of Fruity Pebbles
Whether you think this is just part of the show or you actually find the sincerity in what's being said, The Rock tells it like it is like only The Rock can. If you want to see what got Rock so fired up, you can check it out here.
I am so ready to see The Rock make it back to the squared circle and layeth the smacketh down on all their candy asses...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One Where Street Fighter II Turns 20
That's right folks, the OG fighting game turns 20 this month. Let's all take some time to remember where we were when we first picked dropped a quarter in the game, OR picked up a controller.
Where was I? I was at a the 7-Eleven across the street from school. For my 1st pick, I went patriotic and chose Guile...
...cuz that's how I rolled back then :P
The One With "Porn Star Dancing"
Yeah, so... hot chicks and rock music. YOU'RE WELCOME :D
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The French Beatboxing Guy
C/O: ddbparis
4 minutes, some 25+ beats, 1 take, and insane skill. His name is Eklips and I bring him to you...
...cuz that's how I roll
4 minutes, some 25+ beats, 1 take, and insane skill. His name is Eklips and I bring him to you...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "I Just Had Sex"
Hilarious and a great song. Yes that is Blake Lively. Yes that is Jessica Alba. Props to these gals and Akon for being so cool...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The MLB 2K11 Commerical
Hilarious! Wilson is a nut and that makes for an entertaining promo. I need to get me one of them phones, that's a droid phone right?...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "Price Tag"
Chill jam from English songwriter Jessie J featuring B.o.B. Smooth beat and catchy melody, I'll be cruising the boulevard bumpin' this with the windows down this year fo sho...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Dead Island Trailer
Eyes up survival horror fans, a new game from the people who did Call of Juarez is hitting soon called Dead Island. With a trailer like this, I really couldn't tell you if this game is any good, or even how you'd play it, but it pulls at all the right emotional strings to really convey a sense of "fucked-up-edness" at a situation which I believe has be played to death in modern gaming culture. So for that, I share it with you...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "Opposite of Adults"
Sweet track by Chiddy Bang called "Opposite of Adults". First thing I thought of when I saw this video was Ludacris' "Roll Out" video. The big head effect is fun. Chiddy Bang is outta Philadelphia, PA and started out on MySpace with their unique sound of alternative hip hop and I am a fan thanks to his song...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Things That Get Passed Around
Steve Harvey totally sells this for me. His reaction is great and if you've seen his stand up before, you know he had to have bet the the lady's answer would have scored better. Haha, I'm with ya Steve...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "Give A Little More"
Catchy tune, and ultra-cool video vibe. Just when I think I'm done with Maroon 5, they come out with stuff like this. That's what my music videos would be like in my fictional rock band, filled with hot girls dancing to my music...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Impossible Pong Shots
Being a flip cup veteran myself, I have to hand it to these guys. Incredible multi-bounce shots. But I gotta ask just how much time do these guys, albeit inventive guys, have on their hands...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Longboarding
C/O: LoadedNewsletter
Amazing demo of how cool longboarding can be. Kyle Chin is prolly going close 50-60 mph in the scenes of him really zooming down the road.
C/O: adam kimmel
I got nothing but love for enthusiasts of this genre of skateboarding, even tho the things they do can be WAY sketchy sometimes, LOL...
...cuz that's how I roll
Amazing demo of how cool longboarding can be. Kyle Chin is prolly going close 50-60 mph in the scenes of him really zooming down the road.
C/O: adam kimmel
Adam Kimmel presents: Claremont HD from adam kimmel on Vimeo.
This one shows some of the more intense elements of the activity.I got nothing but love for enthusiasts of this genre of skateboarding, even tho the things they do can be WAY sketchy sometimes, LOL...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "Howlin' For You"
Great homage to those old Robert Rodriguez flicks and a great song by The Black Keys. And this video has got me turning a corner with Tricia Helfer in all the right directions...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The New Theatrical Trailer For Thor
FOR ASGARD!!! and the summer of 2011!!!!
The One With The Song Otherwise Known As "Forget You"
My personal favorite performance at the Grammy's this year. I hear it's an homage to Elton John's "Crocodile Rock" performance on the Muppet Show back in the day. Cee Lo, looking fabulous and,... err.. uhh.. sure, Gwyneth Paltrow went after, it didn't she? And puppets! I submit Cee Lo Green makes anything better...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One Where Finally.... The Rock HAS COME BACK!!!
It's "Valentine's Day" evening and I, being very much single, decide to poke around the internets for info and I notice Dwayne Johnson trending on Twitter. When I check it out they're all buzzing of the return of The Rock! This is how it went down...
C/O: CaptainRoyMustang170
Luckily, I was able to catch it live since I watch on the west coast feed. Such a great 1st return outing for The Rock. Will this mark the return to former glory for the WWE? I couldn't say, but you figure he must have been offered a real premium to come back to the squared circle and take time away from the silver screen. I'm very curious about how this turns out. John Cena, you going DOWN!
Also, I do smell what The Rock is cookin'...
...cuz that's how I roll
C/O: CaptainRoyMustang170
Luckily, I was able to catch it live since I watch on the west coast feed. Such a great 1st return outing for The Rock. Will this mark the return to former glory for the WWE? I couldn't say, but you figure he must have been offered a real premium to come back to the squared circle and take time away from the silver screen. I'm very curious about how this turns out. John Cena, you going DOWN!
Also, I do smell what The Rock is cookin'...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Real Life Ultra Combos
The One With The Fourth MvC3 Intro
Yay! The game is finally dropping. This video features Spider-Man, Haggar, Thor and Phoenix and is friggin' fantastic. I can't be more hyped to deliver some hyper combos MvC3-style...
...cuz that's how I roll
Yay! The game is finally dropping. This video features Spider-Man, Haggar, Thor and Phoenix and is friggin' fantastic. I can't be more hyped to deliver some hyper combos MvC3-style...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Wolverine... Or Is It? Bat-Men?
Really funny design by Olly Moss. See more creative designs by him here. I'm always appreciative of original stuff like this...
... cuz that's how I roll
The One With My Favorite 2011 Super Bowl Commercials
Super Bowl commercials, the cream of the advertising crop.
Loved this commercial. Who didn't want to affect things with the force growing up?
Dayummmmmm Kim. I'm still mopping up the drool.
And props to this because it's so fantastic for being so weird...
...cuz that's how I roll
Loved this commercial. Who didn't want to affect things with the force growing up?
Dayummmmmm Kim. I'm still mopping up the drool.
And props to this because it's so fantastic for being so weird...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Captain America Movie Poster
I'm ready to see this now. There is a lot riding on Chris Evans shoulders with this role, but I'm very confident this movie will pull in "Ironman-like" accolades. Will this movie be Dark Knight? Almost certainly not, but that's not what I'm looking for with this film. I want a SUPER HERO movie. With the setup from Ironman and the coming soon Thor movie, I think Captain America aims to deliver an awesome summer flick with stars!!!...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Intro
Awesomeness in cell shaded video form. My 1st team will be Spider-Man, Magneto and Ryu to anchor. I can't wait to get my game on with this one...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Brian Wilson On George Lopez
Brian Wilson is a closing pitcher on the San Francisco Giants and if you've been following his antics in the last year or so you'd know that he's a frikkin' nut! In the best possible way of course. I can't to see what the 2011 season hold for him and the team.
Brian Wilson is a closing pitcher on the San Francisco Giants and if you've been following his antics in the last year or so you'd know that he's a frikkin' nut! In the best possible way of course. I can't to see what the 2011 season hold for him and the team.
The One With The Parrot AR.Drone
The One With The Hot Training Montage
So yeah, watching Miss D'Nika workout is certainly easy on the eyes, but did you know she played college ball at Texas A&M? I'm impressed by her ball handling... err uh, handles , and by the looks of it, I wouldn't sleep on her spot up trey either. Also, I think adding Eye of the Tiger to any workout footage automatically makes it legit...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Kanye West "Monster" Muppet Remix
C/O: GalaxyWorldVideo
What do you get when you cross Kanye and Muppets? I submit you get AWESOME!...
...cuz that's how I roll.
What do you get when you cross Kanye and Muppets? I submit you get AWESOME!...
...cuz that's how I roll.
The One With More MvC3 Characters Revealed
Two EPIC character additions revealed today. Phoenix on the Marvel side and Haggar on the Capcom side. Now that we've got Phoenix in there, I really wish they'd add Cyclops (my favorite X-Man) to the roster. I was wondering when Haggar would make an appearance in a fighting game. With Guy and Cody on the SSFIV roster, I think this showing from the mayor of Metro City long overdue...
...cuz that's how I roll
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