C/O: Ryrien
Simple idea with awesome results. The score is funny too. I'm seriously considering taping my Flip camera to my katana. A bo staff could yield some cool video as well. Why have I never thought about doing this? I think there ought to be more videos like this out there...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With TRON: Legacy
C/O: DisneyMovieTrailers
Light cycles and flying data discs, scored by Daft Punk, AND in 3-D. TRON: Legacy is a laser light show to be seen, but under the surface, there also lies some interesting themes about life and technology. If you're looking for a visually striking and at times artistic experience at the theater, I think you really can't beat this offering. Jeff Bridges is great in both his roles as technological/zen guru, Kevin Flynn and his single-minded and much younger looking creation, Clu. The CG used to render the younger Jeff Bridges wasn't perfect, but I found that it actually works in the context of Clu. I was also pleased to see that they figured out a way to bring back Bruce Boxlietner's character, Tron, as well. I enjoyed Garrett Hedlund's performance as Kevin's son, Sam, and let's face it, Olivia Wilde is real easy on the eyes.
Overall I really dug this film. If you can buy into the premise of an electronic world where programs manifest as human forms with cool LED laden bodysuits, then I believe that TRON: Legacy has something for everyone...
...cuz that's how I roll
I'd like to thank everyone that came out to Skywalker Ranch with me to go see a screening of this film on my birthday. I had a great time, and glad that you all could make it out.
And special thanks to my sis for making it all happen.
Light cycles and flying data discs, scored by Daft Punk, AND in 3-D. TRON: Legacy is a laser light show to be seen, but under the surface, there also lies some interesting themes about life and technology. If you're looking for a visually striking and at times artistic experience at the theater, I think you really can't beat this offering. Jeff Bridges is great in both his roles as technological/zen guru, Kevin Flynn and his single-minded and much younger looking creation, Clu. The CG used to render the younger Jeff Bridges wasn't perfect, but I found that it actually works in the context of Clu. I was also pleased to see that they figured out a way to bring back Bruce Boxlietner's character, Tron, as well. I enjoyed Garrett Hedlund's performance as Kevin's son, Sam, and let's face it, Olivia Wilde is real easy on the eyes.
Overall I really dug this film. If you can buy into the premise of an electronic world where programs manifest as human forms with cool LED laden bodysuits, then I believe that TRON: Legacy has something for everyone...
...cuz that's how I roll
I'd like to thank everyone that came out to Skywalker Ranch with me to go see a screening of this film on my birthday. I had a great time, and glad that you all could make it out.
And special thanks to my sis for making it all happen.
The One With Fear Itself
Today Marvel had a press conference regarding their upcoming event called Fear Itself which promises have some long running ramifications when it's all said and done. And when you have promo art like this...
...it's hard not to be a little curious of what's in store.
I'm definitely curious as to how it'll all go down in April...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Third MvC3 Episode Trailer
This is the third Marvel vs. Capcom 3 episode trailer to be released. Still not too sure what the overall storyline will be (not that it's likely to be of any real importance other than to thrust the characters together, but it is entertaining to see Sir Arthur taking pot shots at Magneto.
You can check out first and second trailers here and here respectively.
If I was Magneto I'd give Arthur a "MAGNETIC TEMPEST!!!"...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Reminder That I Still Like Megan Fox :D
C/O: GiorgioArmaniBeauty
So lots has happened with Megan Fox since I last posted about her. She broke up with that one guy, she gave Michael Bay the business, she got back together with that one guy, she was was in Jonah Hex for a couple mins, she got married, etc... So, I'm still a fan, and now, she's "The Face of Beauty" for Giorgio Armani Beauty. Congrats Ms... Fox-Green? I'm just trying to get the names straight...
...cuz that's how I roll
So lots has happened with Megan Fox since I last posted about her. She broke up with that one guy, she gave Michael Bay the business, she got back together with that one guy, she was was in Jonah Hex for a couple mins, she got married, etc... So, I'm still a fan, and now, she's "The Face of Beauty" for Giorgio Armani Beauty. Congrats Ms... Fox-Green? I'm just trying to get the names straight...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Dance Central
C/O: Gamehelper
Arguably, the best 1st gen game for the Kinect system. It works as advertised, and you will actually be dancing in order to get through Dance Central. Not a lot of perks or features in the game, but all the songs are unlocked from the beginning, multi-player dance battles, and online leaderboards. Along with the fun interface and gameplay, comes a great track list providing for a variety of dance styles and moves. It's fun to play alone to get your virtual dance chops down and fun with friends to watch them shake their booty to bitchin' tunes. I've found hours of fun from this game...
...cuz that's how I roll
Arguably, the best 1st gen game for the Kinect system. It works as advertised, and you will actually be dancing in order to get through Dance Central. Not a lot of perks or features in the game, but all the songs are unlocked from the beginning, multi-player dance battles, and online leaderboards. Along with the fun interface and gameplay, comes a great track list providing for a variety of dance styles and moves. It's fun to play alone to get your virtual dance chops down and fun with friends to watch them shake their booty to bitchin' tunes. I've found hours of fun from this game...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Jim Lee's Icons
Being a fan of Jim Lee since his Uncanny X-Men days, it's great to see that someone has finally released a retrospective worthy of his body of work. Titan Books has released this awesome book with art and interviews from the man himself from his time at Image/Wildstorm and through to his works and current title as Co-Publisher at DC Comics.
The book is massive with pages measuring 12 x 9 inches and being almost 300 pages thick filled with lots of great covers, panels and one sheets through the years.
I think this book makes a great addition to any comic book, or even plain ol' art collector's, library and a must have for any Jim Lee fan...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Mario Bros. GTA-Style
C/O: TheGameStation
From the guys at The Country Club, Nathan Kitada & Aaron T. Umetani, comes an awesome adaptation of a Grand Theft Auto-styled Mario Bros. trailer. It's frikkin' great how they implement all their Super Mario Bros. references. Nate, Aaron, you guys get a "job well done" from me...
...cuz that's how I roll
From the guys at The Country Club, Nathan Kitada & Aaron T. Umetani, comes an awesome adaptation of a Grand Theft Auto-styled Mario Bros. trailer. It's frikkin' great how they implement all their Super Mario Bros. references. Nate, Aaron, you guys get a "job well done" from me...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Tron Glow In The Dark Goodness
C/O: Playboy
With the release of the highly anticipated Tron Legacy this Friday, I thought I'd serve up some Tron eye candy... Playboy style!!! I've never wanted to be a lightcycle so bad...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Fast Five Trailer
C/O: UniversalPictures
I'm the biggest fan of these films, they're super cheesy, but as a big fan of The Rock, I gotta spread the word. Also, I love the GT40...
...cuz that's how I roll
I'm the biggest fan of these films, they're super cheesy, but as a big fan of The Rock, I gotta spread the word. Also, I love the GT40...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Crimson Viper MvC3 Footage
C/O: CapcomUnityVideos
I'm very excited for the release of Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 next spring, and Capcom has been releasing these intro videos for the characters being announced for the game. But this latest video marks the 1st entry of a character specifically from the Street Fighter IV series and I am very interested to see how her crossover to the Vs. series will turn out. She is one of the more difficult and nuanced characters to use in SSFIV and I'm wondering if she's gonna play similarly come the game's release.
Super jump cancel --> Ultra anyone?
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Movies Of 2010
C/O: genrocks
So 2010 isn't quite over yet, but this compilation of the movies of this year was done so well I'd thought I'd share...
...cuz that's how I roll
So 2010 isn't quite over yet, but this compilation of the movies of this year was done so well I'd thought I'd share...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With On Stranger Tides Trailer
C/O: disneypirates
Pirates! Now while I traditionally side on the ninjas, I do have a soft spot for all the Pirates of the Caribbean films (however unpopular that stance may be :P) to date. So I'm rather pleased at this new trailer, although I must have missed the part where they got a new director for the film. I hope the change works out. I'm excited for the new treasure being sought after and the new antagonist for the film. Also, Captain Barbosa RULEZ!!...
...cuz that's how I roll
Pirates! Now while I traditionally side on the ninjas, I do have a soft spot for all the Pirates of the Caribbean films (however unpopular that stance may be :P) to date. So I'm rather pleased at this new trailer, although I must have missed the part where they got a new director for the film. I hope the change works out. I'm excited for the new treasure being sought after and the new antagonist for the film. Also, Captain Barbosa RULEZ!!...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Mass Effect 3 Teaser
This teaser debuted at the Spike Video Game Awards this weekend. I say Shepard needs to get a move on...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Kanye West Vs. Linkin Park
C/O: flipboit4midles
Hot mashup by DJ Flipboitamidles. He's got a bunch of mashups on his blog and I definitely recommend folks go check it out...
...cuz that's how I roll
Hot mashup by DJ Flipboitamidles. He's got a bunch of mashups on his blog and I definitely recommend folks go check it out...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One About Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
C/O: machinima
I was a fan of the 1st game for it's amazing visuals and depiction of the Naruto series. This sequel, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (PS3/Xbox360), delivers that experience once again. While the game doesn't cover the whole of the Shippuden series (being as they haven't all been released yet in animated form) it's impressive to note that the single player campaign mode does make it through season eight. The inclusion of online multi-player, which was tragically lacking from the previous game, is finally implemented this time around, but I wasn't thrilled to find out I had to play through the story mode to unlock the majority of the playable characters in the game. Otherwise, this game is totally rad. It was fun going through the story mode and catching up on the series' developments and the pure spectacle of the gameplay makes it easy to recommend...
...cuz that's how I roll
I was a fan of the 1st game for it's amazing visuals and depiction of the Naruto series. This sequel, Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (PS3/Xbox360), delivers that experience once again. While the game doesn't cover the whole of the Shippuden series (being as they haven't all been released yet in animated form) it's impressive to note that the single player campaign mode does make it through season eight. The inclusion of online multi-player, which was tragically lacking from the previous game, is finally implemented this time around, but I wasn't thrilled to find out I had to play through the story mode to unlock the majority of the playable characters in the game. Otherwise, this game is totally rad. It was fun going through the story mode and catching up on the series' developments and the pure spectacle of the gameplay makes it easy to recommend...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With "The Devil's Hand"
Daredevil: The Devil's Hand is the 1st story arc from the current Daredevil creative team scripted by Andy Diggle. The previous creative team had left our Man Without Fear! in quite the situation establishing Daredevil as leader of a ruthless clan of ninjas known as The Hand, and if you weren't aware, he's not too thrilled about it. Can Daredevil successfully control the organization? Can he bare the responsibility of The Hand's actions? Is it even possible as a defender of justice? Will there be sacrifices made? This first arc offers up some very interesting revelations of how Daredevil plans to answer these questions. I think it's a great read and I think Diggle has done a fine job so far with the book, following in themes of the two previous writers Ed Brubaker and Brian Michael Bendis before him. If you're a fan of Daredevil or ninjas, I highly recommend this...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Thor Movie Trailer
YES!!!! Excellent trailer. It's got me really hopeful for it's release next year...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One About Reckless Racing
C/O: PixelbiteGames
Pixelbite Games' Reckless Racing packs a lot of gaming fun on the phone game format. Those who remember classic top down racing games, like Super Off Road or RC Pro Am, will feel right at home playing this game. The game is really good about giving you a diverse driving experience. Driving on dirt you allowed to slide around turns and when you hit the pavement the handling changes and the tire grip kicks in. You get your choice of different cars, although I suspect the car models only offer a cosmetic change, and there are even high risk/high reward shortcuts to try and master. The sound design is rather satisfying as well. This game is available on iPhone/iPod Touch and Android formats, so there's no excuse to not go drifting through the mud while waiting in line at the concert or the coffee shop. And yes, this game has multi-player over Wi-Fi. I call dibs on the truck...
...cuz that's how I roll
Pixelbite Games' Reckless Racing packs a lot of gaming fun on the phone game format. Those who remember classic top down racing games, like Super Off Road or RC Pro Am, will feel right at home playing this game. The game is really good about giving you a diverse driving experience. Driving on dirt you allowed to slide around turns and when you hit the pavement the handling changes and the tire grip kicks in. You get your choice of different cars, although I suspect the car models only offer a cosmetic change, and there are even high risk/high reward shortcuts to try and master. The sound design is rather satisfying as well. This game is available on iPhone/iPod Touch and Android formats, so there's no excuse to not go drifting through the mud while waiting in line at the concert or the coffee shop. And yes, this game has multi-player over Wi-Fi. I call dibs on the truck...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One Where You Go And Save The City
C/O: mediajuice
I'm X-cited about the retro release of the X-Men Arcade Game. It's been slated for release on Xbox Live on December 15th and for PSN sometime in the next 2 months. Six-player online drop-in/drop-out multiplayer sounds like an X-cellent feature. Well, no one uses Dazzler though, so maybe they'll be more like five player games :P. X-pect to hear awesome in game sound bites like "Nothing can stop The Blob!" and Colossus' ubiquitous "RRRRAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" once again. I found these sayings to be quite infectious back then and I that won't change once I start playing this game again...
...cuz that's how I roll
I'm X-cited about the retro release of the X-Men Arcade Game. It's been slated for release on Xbox Live on December 15th and for PSN sometime in the next 2 months. Six-player online drop-in/drop-out multiplayer sounds like an X-cellent feature. Well, no one uses Dazzler though, so maybe they'll be more like five player games :P. X-pect to hear awesome in game sound bites like "Nothing can stop The Blob!" and Colossus' ubiquitous "RRRRAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!" once again. I found these sayings to be quite infectious back then and I that won't change once I start playing this game again...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Rolling Stone's Top Singles 2010
Rolling Stone has published it's list of the Best Singles of 2010 and I wanted to share the top 10 on the list.
Rolling Stone's Best Singles of 2010
1. Kanye West feat. Pusha T, "Runaway"
2. Cee Lo Green, "Fuck You"
3. Sade, "Soldier of Love"
4. Katy Perry, "Teenage Dream"
5. Arcade Fire, "We Used to Wait"
6. Mavis Staples, "You Are Not Alone"
7. Vampire Weekend, "White Sky"
8. Janelle Monáe feat. Big Boi, "Tightrope"
9. Broken Bells, "The Ghost Inside"
10. Kanye West feat. Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj and Bon Iver, "Monster"
The whole list is 50 tracks deep so if you didn't see your fave it's possible it still made the honors. The Janelle Monáe track Tightrope is a fun track, and remix is great as well. Personally, my #1 would have been Cee Lo Green - Fuck You. That's not to say I'm not feeling "Runaway" tho...
...cuz that's how I roll
Rolling Stone's Best Singles of 2010
1. Kanye West feat. Pusha T, "Runaway"
2. Cee Lo Green, "Fuck You"
3. Sade, "Soldier of Love"
4. Katy Perry, "Teenage Dream"
5. Arcade Fire, "We Used to Wait"
6. Mavis Staples, "You Are Not Alone"
7. Vampire Weekend, "White Sky"
8. Janelle Monáe feat. Big Boi, "Tightrope"
9. Broken Bells, "The Ghost Inside"
10. Kanye West feat. Jay-Z, Rick Ross, Nicki Minaj and Bon Iver, "Monster"
The whole list is 50 tracks deep so if you didn't see your fave it's possible it still made the honors. The Janelle Monáe track Tightrope is a fun track, and remix is great as well. Personally, my #1 would have been Cee Lo Green - Fuck You. That's not to say I'm not feeling "Runaway" tho...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With Pattycake Cats
I've never owned a cat, but I'd probably spend a lot of time narrating their thoughts too, LOL...
C/O: JustinCElliot
...cuz that's how I roll
C/O: JustinCElliot
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Trailer
C/O: AssassinsCreed
This game is a must have for anyone familiar with the series. Like most people before the game's release, I thought this game was gonna be a cash in on the series where the multi-player component of the game was to be the focus. That would have made it a departure from a series in which I've always felt the single player narrative to be one of it's better features. I'm pleased to tell you that while there is a great online multi-player component to the game, at it's heart, it is in fact, a lengthy and robust expansion to the Assassin's Creed series. This game picks up right where Assassin's Creed II leaves off and does a good job moving both the modern and period piece elements forward. I found the game to a bit less "vertical" but I think it's still fun figuring out how to get to the very tops of sky reaching structures. Add in a new setting with notable landmarks, an assassin guild element, and improved elements from ACII and I feel this game is definitely Game of the Year material.
In short, I say whether you're a veteran to the series or not, get this game...
...cuz that's how I roll
This game is a must have for anyone familiar with the series. Like most people before the game's release, I thought this game was gonna be a cash in on the series where the multi-player component of the game was to be the focus. That would have made it a departure from a series in which I've always felt the single player narrative to be one of it's better features. I'm pleased to tell you that while there is a great online multi-player component to the game, at it's heart, it is in fact, a lengthy and robust expansion to the Assassin's Creed series. This game picks up right where Assassin's Creed II leaves off and does a good job moving both the modern and period piece elements forward. I found the game to a bit less "vertical" but I think it's still fun figuring out how to get to the very tops of sky reaching structures. Add in a new setting with notable landmarks, an assassin guild element, and improved elements from ACII and I feel this game is definitely Game of the Year material.
In short, I say whether you're a veteran to the series or not, get this game...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Evil Ryu And Oni Akuma Reveal
While the following video is in japanese, it does show some pretty good footage of new additions to the series, SFIII alums, Yun and Yang. The big news is at the end though with the teaser pic of Evil Ryu and Oni Akuma.
C/O: MrWizzu
While I'm not too keen on the additions of the super powered shoto characters, they definitely promise a shift in terms of character balance. And of course a few more awesome ultra combo animations, and I'm all about that...
...cuz that's how I roll
C/O: MrWizzu
While I'm not too keen on the additions of the super powered shoto characters, they definitely promise a shift in terms of character balance. And of course a few more awesome ultra combo animations, and I'm all about that...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One With The Arguement Over Pizza... POWER!
This discussion plagued me as a youth...
C/O: Dorkly
Now what they should have done was open the box up and split the pizza up. It's just common sense right? I can't finish a whole box by myself. That's how I'd do it...
...cuz that's how I roll
C/O: Dorkly
Now what they should have done was open the box up and split the pizza up. It's just common sense right? I can't finish a whole box by myself. That's how I'd do it...
...cuz that's how I roll
The One About Ip Man 2

So here's the 1st one sheet for the upcoming release of Ip Man 2. I'm totally excited for this sequel as I've recently seen the original on Netflix and it totally blew me away. The movie will continue the story of Ip Man, a Wing Chun master who taught many students in Hong Kong, one of which, the legendary Bruce Lee. Both the original and sequel star one of my martial arts stars currently, Donnie Yen. If you haven't seen the 1st Ip Man I recommend you seek it out...
... cuz that's how I roll
The One With That Freaky Little Dude And 50
I know I'm late to the party with this, but damn that's awesome. LOL
And if you haven't seen this yet, YES that's 50!
C/O: Keenan Cahill
I be bumping this track...
...cuz that's how I roll
And if you haven't seen this yet, YES that's 50!
C/O: Keenan Cahill
I be bumping this track...
...cuz that's how I roll
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